Terms and Conditions

General Terms:

a. By accessing and using the Action First Aid Australia website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

b. Action First Aid Australia reserves the right to modify, update, or remove any content or services on the website without prior notice.

Registration and Payment:

a. To enroll in our first aid training courses, you must provide accurate and complete registration information.

b. Payment for the courses must be made in full prior to the commencement of the training.

Course Content and Certification:

a. Action First Aid Australia strives to provide accurate and up-to-date course content; however, we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information.

b. Successful completion of the course does not guarantee certification. Certification is subject to meeting all course requirements and passing any necessary assessments.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:

a. If you need to cancel your registration, you must provide notice to Action First Aid Australia within the specified timeframe to be eligible for a refund.

b. Refunds, if applicable, will be provided according to our refund policy.

Onsite Training:

a. Onsite training refers to training conducted at a location specified by the client.

b. The client is responsible for providing a safe and suitable training environment, including necessary equipment and facilities.

c. Action First Aid Australia will conduct an assessment of the onsite location prior to the training to ensure it meets safety standards.

d. The client must comply with all safety instructions provided by the trainer during onsite training.

Limitation of Liability:

a. Action First Aid Australia, its trainers, employees, and affiliates shall not be held liable for any injuries, damages, or losses incurred during or as a result of participating in our training courses or using the information provided on the website.

b. Participants are responsible for their own safety and well-being during training sessions.

Intellectual Property:

a. All content and materials provided on the Action First Aid Australia website are protected by intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, distributed, or used without prior written consent.

Governing Law:

a. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Australia.

By using the Action First Aid Australia website and enrolling in our courses, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.